Thursday April 10, 2025 8:00pm - 10:00pm PDT
Everyone’s favorite event, Pie & Whiskey, is returning to The Washington Cracker Building! Pie & Whiskey is hosted by Samuel Ligon and Kate Lebo. Sam is the author of three novels—Miller Cane: A True & Exact History, published serially in the Inlander, Among the Dead and Dreaming and Safe in Heaven Dead—and two collections of stories, Wonderland, and Drift and Swerve. Kate is the author of the cookbook Pie School, and a collection of essays, The Book of Difficult Fruit, which won the Washington State Book Award in 2022. Sam and Kate also co-edited the anthology Pie & Whiskey: Writers Under the Influence of Butter and Booze, which will be available for purchase at the event. Pie & Whiskey features 11 authors reading flash fiction, flash nonfiction, and poetry inspired by a deep affinity and abiding appreciation for pie and whiskey. Readers include Karina Agbisit, Lisa Brown, Rufina Garay, Eric Greenwell, Joni Harris, Kate Lebo, Sam Ligon, Megan Dhein, Mery Smith, Kirsten Sundberg Lunstrum, Alexandra Teague, and Spencer Young. And yes, you read that correctly—we're thrilled that Spokane’s Mayor Lisa Brown will be participating year! Purchase the author's books via Auntie's Bookstore!

This event is $10 at the door, 21+, no advance tickets. Please come prepared to pay via credit card at the door!

Pies served at the event are baked by Kate Lebo and a crew of volunteers. A limited number of chapbooks containing work from the readers will be on sale for $10. The chapbooks are designed by Lost Horse Press, printed by Gray Dog Press, and hand-stitched by EWU students and alumni. While sales of the chapbook help support the event, donations are also gladly accepted. *Credit cards are very strongly preferred for entry and all sales.

We would like to thank Don Poffenroth and Dry Fly Distilling for generously donating the whiskey. We would also like to thank Gray Dog Press, Lost Horse Press, Culture Breads, West Central Abbey, DOMA Coffee Roasting Company, and Terry and Rebecca Patano. This event would not be possible without their donations of time, space, energy, and funds. Thanks also to Megan Dhein for coordinating.

Please fill out our festival survey after you have attended this event. The information you provide will help us obtain critical grant funding and will help make next year’s festival even better!
avatar for Megan Dhein

Megan Dhein

Megan Dhein works for a marketing company in Spokane while regularly freelancing for the Spokesman-Review. She was the former editor-in-chief of Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine, and the former managing editor of Willow Springs Magazine. Her fiction and nonfiction has been... Read More →
avatar for Kirsten Sundberg Lunstrum

Kirsten Sundberg Lunstrum

Kirsten Sundberg Lunstrum is the author of the novel Elita (published by TriQuarterly Press/Northwestern University Press in January, 2025) and the story collection Outer Stars, which won the 2025 Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Short Fiction (UNT Press) and will be published in the... Read More →
avatar for Rufina Garay

Rufina Garay

Rufina Garay is a poet, food writer, painter, pie lover, culinary artist, and practitioner of Taoist meditative arts, in which poetry is a healing practice. Her current projects include a chapbook on the Uvalde mass shooting, a poetry workbook-DIY guide through rage as a form of... Read More →
avatar for Karina Agbisit

Karina Agbisit

Karina L. Agbisit is a Latina writer and publishing professional based in the Pacific Northwest. Her writing has been published by Cleis Press, The Vanguard, Haunted Waters Press, Oregon Humanities, and Woodhall Press. Professionally, she holds an MFA in Creative Writing, MA in Book... Read More →
avatar for Eric Greenwell

Eric Greenwell

E. A. Greenwell is a writer, connectivity specialist for the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, and Program Manager of Writing for the Centrum Foundation. His writing has appeared in Boston Review, Poet Lore, Iron Horse Literary Review, and Terrain.org among other magazines... Read More →
avatar for Joni Harris

Joni Harris

Joni Harris lives in Spokane, WA and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Eastern Washington University. She has been a finalist for the Montana Prize for Fiction and she is a commissioner for the Spokane Transportation Commission.
avatar for Mery Smith

Mery Smith

Mery Smith is a Spokane poet and story holder. Her work is meant to celebrate the experiences and truths of our every day lives. Her work is featured online at MeryNoel.com and she's in printed anthologies Listen To Your Morther, Pivot and Pause poems on Resilience and other paper... Read More →
avatar for Alexandra Teague

Alexandra Teague

Alexandra Teague is most recently the author of [ominous music intensifying] (Persea 2024) and Spinning Tea Cups: A Mythical American Memoir (Oregon State University Press 2023). She is previously the author of three books of poetry and a novel, as well as co-editor of Bullets into... Read More →
avatar for Spencer Young

Spencer Young

Spencer Robert Young (they/them) is a poet, essayist, and editor. They write about embodiment, punk music, queerness, climate change, and good books. Spencer holds an MA in Creative Writing and Literature from Kansas State University. They currently live in Moscow, Idaho, where they... Read More →
avatar for Lisa Brown

Lisa Brown

Lisa Brown came to Spokane in her twenties, having grown up in rural Illinois, studied at the University of Illinois, and attained a Ph.D in economics at the University of Colorado. She taught at Eastern and Gonzaga, and served in the state legislature for 20 years, including as Senate... Read More →
avatar for Kate Lebo

Kate Lebo

Kate Lebo's first collection of nonfiction, The Book of Difficult Fruit (FSG), won the 2022 Washington State Book Award and was named a best book of the year by NPR, The Atlantic, New York magazine, Electric Literature, and The Globe and Mail. She is the author of the cookbook Pie... Read More →
avatar for Samuel Ligon

Samuel Ligon

Samuel Ligon recently published a serial novel—Miller Cane: A True & Exact History—which appeared in 50 installments in Spokane’s weekly newspaper, The Inlander, as well as online, on Spokane Public Radio, and as a podcast. Ligon is the author of four previous books of fiction... Read More →
Thursday April 10, 2025 8:00pm - 10:00pm PDT
Washington Cracker Building 304 W Pacific Ave STE 310, Spokane, WA 99201, USA

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