Saturday April 12, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm PDT
From zombie invasions to nuclear wars, the end of the world has been envisioned again and again in any number of terrific and unsettling ways. How can authors keep the genre fresh and entertaining for an ever-wider audience? Join authors Tara Campbell and Laura Jean McKay as they discuss their processes in crafting fictional apocalypses that feel relevant and insightful to readers in a post-pandemic world. Tara Campbell writes crossover sci-fi, speculative fiction off the warp-drive path; her themes are not about technology and machines, but what happens when an ordinary person (or creature) faces extraordinary circumstances. Laura Jean McKay’s writing blurs the line between humans and animals in humorous and transcendent ways; her work shows a keen mastery of prose and a remarkable awareness of our relationship with the natural world. Join these two speculative fiction writers in a reading and discussion of craft, process, and genre! Purchase the author's books via Auntie's Bookstore.

*Note that a Book Fair Pass is required which is $25+fees and covers entry for all 12+ events at the Montvale Event Center along with entry into the Book Fair. You will be able to come and go all day with this ticket. 

Tickets are on sale via this link! Please note that the link  will take you to our Humanitix event page where you can select this specific event along with any other ticketed events you would like to attend. This system allows you to check out once for multiple tickets, and does not require registration.

Please fill out our festival survey after you have attended this event. The information you provide will help us obtain critical grant funding and will help make next year’s festival even better!  
avatar for Laura Jean McKay

Laura Jean McKay

Laura Jean McKay is the author of The Animals in That Country (Scribe 2020) - winner of the prestigious Arthur C Clarke Award, The Victorian Prize for Literature, the ABIA Small Publishers Adult Book of the Year and co-winner of the Aurealis Award for Best Science Fiction Novel 2021... Read More →
avatar for Tara Campbell

Tara Campbell

Tara Campbell is an award-winning writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, fiction co-editor at Barrelhouse, and graduate of American University's MFA in Creative Writing. Publication credits include Masters Review, Wigleaf, Electric Literature, CRAFT Literary, Uncharted Magazine, Daily... Read More →
Saturday April 12, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm PDT
Montvale Event Center: Third Floor Ballroom 1019 West 1st Avenue, Spokane, WA, USA

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