Sunday April 13, 2025 6:30pm - 8:00pm PDT
In an age of increasing environmental challenges and social unrest, the need for conversation arises: How do we parent our children in a world of change and disruption? Authors Jennifer Case, Martha Park, Christina Rivera, Chelsea Steinauer, and Jessica E. Johnson invite you to their panel, Mothering the Future: New Nonfiction on Parenting and Environmental Change, where they will read their work and discuss the intersection between environmental writing and motherhood. Jennifer writes about bodily autonomy, identity, mental health, and other realities that give historical and cultural context to the experience of motherhood in her book, We Are Animals: On the Nature and Politics of Motherhood. Martha’s forthcoming illustrated book, World Without End: Essays on Apocalypse and After, explores the intersections of faith, motherhood, and the climate crisis across the South. Christina is a Pushcart Prize-winning author whose forthcoming book, My Oceans: Essays of Water, Whales, and Women, is a collection of ecofeminist reflections from the confluence of motherhood and marine life. Chelsea’s book, Mother, Creature, Kin, examines, among other things, what it means to be a mother in an era of climate catastrophe in prose that teems with longing, lyricism, and knowledge of ecology. Jessica is the author of Mettlework, a memoir of her upbringing amid the remains of an extractive industry interwoven with her story of motherhood in the modern world. Although each writer approaches these topics from different angles and cultural contexts, they all openly question, interrogate, and meditate on what it means to be a mother in an era of environmental change.

Purchase the author's books via Auntie's Bookstore!

*This event is virtual and will premiere on our YouTube Channel at the time listed above. Here is the link!

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avatar for Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder

Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder

Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder is the author of MOTHER, CREATURE, KIN: What We Learn from Nature’s Mothers in a Time of Unraveling (Broadleaf Books, 2025). Exploring the worlds of North Atlantic right whales, tidal salt marshes, barn owls, and strange, single-celled organisms, she... Read More →
avatar for Christina Rivera

Christina Rivera

Christina Rivera is a Pushcart Prize-winning essayist from Colorado whose girlhood was bordered by coastlines of Pacific Ocean. Her work has appeared in Orion Magazine, The Cut, Kenyon Review, River Teeth, Terrain.org, and more. Rivera’s debut book, MY OCEANS: Essays of Water... Read More →
avatar for Jennifer Case

Jennifer Case

Jennifer Case is the author of We Are Animals: On the Nature and Politics of Motherhood (Trinity University Press, 2024) and Sawbill: A Search for Place (University of New Mexico Press, 2018). Her essays have appeared widely in journals such as The Rumpus, Orion, Ecotone, Literary... Read More →
avatar for Jessica E. Johnson

Jessica E. Johnson

Jessica E. Johnson is a writer, educator, and arts organizer. She is the author of the memoir Mettlework, the book-length poem Metabolics, and the chapbook In Absolutes We Seek Each Other. A longtime community college instructor, she lives in Portland, Oregon and co-hosts the Constellation... Read More →
avatar for Martha Park

Martha Park

Martha Park is a writer and illustrator from Memphis, Tennessee. Her first book, World Without End: Essays on Apocalypse and After, is forthcoming from Hub City Press in May of 2025. Her writing, graphic essays, and illustrations have appeared in Orion, Oxford American, The Guardian... Read More →
Sunday April 13, 2025 6:30pm - 8:00pm PDT

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